Tuesday, March 13, 2012

For all of the Mommies...


One of the coolest things in life (to me) is 
that there are 
artists of all kinds 
out there, in the world, 

Things we use in all facets of our lives...


Every day I look for "things" that interest me 
and try to incorporate them into my life...
either today or in the future.


Today, I wanted to introduce you to 
Addie and Ella.  

This is a little girls clothing line 
that a high school friend of mine

The site is adorable, the song welcoming and the clothing is cute!

I was speaking to a few of my mommy girlfriends the other day 
about the clothing & they raved about the quality, cute-ness and price.

I am not in the mommy loop but when I enter 
I can't wait to buy my first piece!
*** I hope I have a girl to dress up!!!

~ These are some of my favorite pieces ~

I told you.... adorable!

you can also find them on gilt.com and zulily.com