Wednesday, June 27, 2012


As you all probably know... 

I am the proud owner of a puppy named Zoey!

She is 5 months old and is a Golden Doodle.
Yes, that is half Golden Retriever and half Poodle.

She is the newest addition to our home and we are loving the heck out of her.

I am enjoying Saturday morning puppy school (Petsmart)
and am 
so pleased that training 
Zoey has not been too much of a stuggle.

She already knows how to do an array of commands!

Since becoming a part of the dog owner world
one thing that has been on my mind a lot.

I have to admit, as a non-dog owning citizen 
I never really paid any attention 
to who was and who was not picking up their poop.  
But, now that I am and I am out walking in the grass 
dodging it, 
I have to say it grosses me out!

I can not understand why people are so inconsiderate to not 
pick their dogs poop up!

I sit on my balcony and watch the people from our condo complex 
walk their dogs and walk away from the poop like they can not be bothered.


This is what I think of the people who can't be bothered to PICK UP THEIR PET'S POOP!

How can someone own an animal and not care enough about others to 
not pick up after it????

I was talking to the vet the other day and not only is it gross to step in...
BUT, dog poop is hazardous!

It carries worms that other dogs can easily catch.
 & it is dangerous for children. 

Just think of the poop on your shoe (or) in/on a dogs paw being tracked 
in your house on the rugs 
and oops... 
baby on a blanket on the floor catches something.


IDK... people are just silly to me!


My message for the day is:

Do yourself, your dog and your neighbors a favor!

*they can't do it for you!