One of the coolest things I have seen in a long time...
The Little Free Library Project
It all stemmed from a loving son wanting to honor his late mother and
her love for books and reading.
Wisconsin resident, Todd Bol decided to dedicate and build a little library in his mothers memory thinking it would be the perfect way to honor her life.
He had no idea it would become a nationwide phenomena and people would want to create and place them in their community too!
The little Free Library Project's goal is to build mini libraries and place them in parks and communities to help promote literacy and bring neighbors together.
What a great idea!
The way it works is that visitors can pick a book and in exchange they can leave one to keep the library stocked.
No library card needed... just the need to read!
It is said that contributors are encouraged to write a little note in
the inside cover explaining the reason why the book was given to the library.
When I heard about this I immediately loved the idea!
I am a huge - reader... I LOVE BOOKS!
I have the Kindle Fire... and love the fact that it is easy to read in bed with...
but, on the flip side
I miss having an actual hard copy of the book in my hands.
I love to flip the pages and feel the parchment under my fingers.
I like to make notes and dog ear pages to go back to...
Yes, I am guilty! I will re-read books if I think they are worthy.
So when hearing that my friend Jannette was raising money to
place a Little Library in our community *Fleet Dog Park,
I was so excited to hear that she was working so hard to make it happen!
I was thinking how cool... I bring Zoey to that same dog park and it
would be really cool to see the little library there in all of it's glory.
People can take a book, leave a book
and help a good cause at the same time!
Just a few more days until her pledge date is up... She still needs donations.
If you believe in the cause please donate and
help make this little library a reality!
When you are at the dog park check it out!!!
how to donate:
***your donation would be greatly appreciated!